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At Edincare, we are really passionate about training a new generation of Pump Engineers. The UK’s Engineering industry faces a skills shortage at an unprecedented level. According to EngineeringUK, we need 1.8M trained Engineers and Technicians by 2025. By offering training, we can help bring new Engineers into the employment market, to develop all the skills needed to really get stuck in.

Two such budding Trainee Engineers have recently joined our Team. Meet Mitchell and Eddie. We interviewed them, asking 5 big questions. Here’s what they had to say.

Why did you apply for Edincare’s Trainee Engineering role?

M: I wanted a change of industry, to something that I could learn a trade in. I knew a few people doing it, who I had done some work with Edincare before and they were enjoying it.

E: I have always been fascinated by, and driven to understand the way things work. Engineering is the field that solves the most impactful problems in the world. When researching, I learnt about Edincare and I knew I wanted to be part of their team.

What did you do before joining Edincare?

M: I was a green keeper at a golf course in London.

E: I worked at Ocado as as trainer, working with new starters, and making sure everyone was Health and Safety aware.

What has been the best part so far?

M: Learning something different, and the fact that no job we do is exactly the same as the last.

E: Going out in the van and learning on the job.

What has been something surprising about the job or the company?

M: How much of the country you actually get to see.

E: How everyone supports each other. There’s help and technical support from all the Engineers.

Do you have any advice or tips for other people thinking of applying for a Trainee Engineer role?

M: Just go for it, there is a good opportunity to learn a lot.

E: There is great job satisfaction knowing you were able to help solve a problem. There is a close team to work with, so you are never on you own, and the role is really diverse.

If you want to find out more about our Career opportunities, visit the Join Us page on our website.
