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A selection of Edincare Pumps marketing literature.

Our individual product data sheets are available under the products section of the website, refer to the ‘Download documents’ tab. If you require any further information, please call us on 01442 211554.

Services Overview Brochure

Products Overview

We offer a product range defined by innovation, experience and dependability. Research and development, backed up by a wealth of industry knowledge is the cornerstone of our range. Each product has been engineered to deliver optimal performance and reliability. Coupled with a wide range of pumps, options and accessories, our expert team will specify the perfect solution for your application.


Products pricelist 2024

Products Pricelist 2025

Our Product Pricelist features products from across our range.


Services Overview Brochure

Services Overview

Edincare Pumps offer a comprehensive range of Services. The Services Overview brochure provides an overview of the Services offered, that include Project Services, Aftersales Services and Drainage Services.


Edincare Drains Services Overview Brochure

Edincare Drains Services Overview

We provide tankering, jetting and drainage CCTV to the public and private sectors including residential, commercial, hospitality and retail. We are proud of the long‑term relationships we have built with clients and partners, delivering cost effective, robust and dependable services.


Basement Applications

Edincare Pumps offer a range of packaged pumping stations specifically design to pump, foul, surface and ground water separately from a basement application to high level when gravity drainage is not possible to install.


Packaged Pumping Stations

Packaged Pumping Stations

An overview of our below ground packaged pumping stations and how we can help you with your pumped drainage project from tender to handover.


Magna Pro Brochure

MagnaPro Range

Edincare Pumps introduces our New MagnaPro range of packaged pumping stations. The range has been engineered from the ground up incorporating a wide range of unique features, ensuring the product adheres with all current design standards and beyond.


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