Building maintenance company
Project Type
Supply, installation and commissioning
Products Used
MagnaGrand™ IP
Onsite Duration
4 days
Baker Street, London
REQUIREMENTA building maintenance company required a new pump station to be installed in an existing concrete chamber. The station would need to handle a low flow rate from plant room spillage and occasional wash down. Due to the low level of the chamber inlets, the control switches would need to be set carefully to ensure the pumps operated only when required. The Edincare Engineer’s thorough survey also revealed that the existing rising main which connected the pump station to the gravity drain was not suitably pressure rated. METHOD• An Edincare MagnaGrand™ IP twin pump pumping station was installed in the concrete sump, along with a cable management system. RESULT• Full engineering survey before installation allowed us to identify the issues with the concrete sump installed and develop a design which addressed them.