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Solving a problem at a gas works

Third party service provider



Project Type

Installation, Tankering

Products Used


Onsite Duration

3 days install, 2 months tankering




During an emergency call out, we discovered a problem which could have taken many months and be very expensive to resolve. Instead, we proposed a better solution that provided short- and long-term savings. Throughout the project we offered a high level of support to all stakeholders.


We attended an emergency call out at natural gas distribution site at the request of our client, a third-party service provider.

An above ground foul water pumping station had failed and the chamber was full. We tankered the waste and conducted a site survey. This revealed that the large, expensive, and dated pump would require replacement parts.

Attempts were made to source these parts from the manufacturer. However, they informed us that it would take several months before one of their representatives could attend site to assess requirements, and several months more before repairs could be completed.

In the meantime, scheduled tankering of approximately 2,000 gallons of foul waste was required every two days to prevent flooding. These visits took place from the start of December through to the beginning of February using one of our high-capacity combi-tankers.

To spare the customer many more months of tankering costs we proposed replacing the old pumping station with a twin-pump submersible pumping station. This could be installed in the existing pre-cast concrete ring chamber.

On agreement, we ordered the necessary parts and complete the installation over three days. Our highly trained engineers used confined entry and lifting equipment.

During this period one of our tankers remained on site to ensure the chamber remained clear for our engineers.

Risk assessment method statements (RAMS) were produced for every visit, meeting all the stringent health and safety requirements that visits to such a site require.


Following the initial emergency callout, we worked quickly and tirelessly to resolve a tricky problem. Making this problem our own, our creative solution spared the customer the cost and disruption of numerous tankering visits over many months.

The replacement pumping station will be much cheaper to operate, more reliable and easier to maintain.

Throughout the project’s duration our in-house tankering capability ensured that the site was safe from flooding by sewage.

Full chamber

Tankering the chamber

Damaged pump

Daily early morning tanker visits

The new pumping station with submersible pumps

The kiosk with new control panel

Adapting the design to the existing chamber access points. The float brackets are shown in the bottom right.



Our engineers and project managers draw on over 25 years’ experience in delivering pumped and drainage solutions. We are a trusted and reliable ally to our many partners, helping them to serve their customers better.

This case study demonstrates our ability to draw on this expertise to deliver more than we were asked to provide. In so doing, we’ve saved the customer money in the short and long term.